日本の初秋の果物 里山に訪れ、地域の人々と仲良くなれたら 食べるチャンスがあります。
Fruit in Japanese early autumn If you visit in Satoyama
and are on good terms with people in an area, and can be.
There is a chance to eat.
イチジク fig tree
Fig was brought by the Edo Period to Japan.
Fig is grown at a ridge of a rice paddy and a field.
マクワウリ oriental melon
An oriental melon is grown in the field and is eaten from late summer to early autumn.
柿 Persimmon
柿は、里山の家々で作られている日本の代表的な果物。 柿を食べれば、「医者いらず」と昔は言われていた。
The Japanese typical fruit by which a persimmon is made by Satoyama’s each house.
When eating a persimmon, you were saying “A doctor didn’t need.” before.
栗 Chestnuts
Chestnuts is the simple food stood by the family and neighborhood as chestnuts steamed rice in Satoyama’s autumn festival.